Starting SSL verification fails


I cannot create a site with letsencrypt. I tried the http-challenge and the dns-challenge. When I try to validate SSL letsencrypt I get the following message:

Starting SSL verification.
Warning: Failed to verify SSL: Can not validate challenge for domain
Warning: Check logs and retry `ee site ssl` once the issue is resolved.

The logs are:

[04-01-2019 21:13:06] ee.DEBUG: Running command: site ssl
[04-01-2019 21:13:06] ee.INFO: Starting SSL verification.
[04-01-2019 21:13:06] ee.DEBUG: Loading account keypair
[04-01-2019 21:13:06] ee.DEBUG: Starting check with solver dns
[04-01-2019 21:13:06] ee.DEBUG: Loading the authorization token for domains, ...
[04-01-2019 21:13:06] ee.DEBUG: Challenge loaded.
[04-01-2019 21:13:06] ee.DEBUG: Challenge loaded.
[04-01-2019 21:13:07] ee.DEBUG: Testing the challenge for domain
[04-01-2019 21:16:07] ee.WARNING: Failed to verify SSL: Can not validate challenge for domain
[04-01-2019 21:16:07] ee.WARNING: Check logs and retry `ee site ssl` once the issue is resolved.

When I run host -t TXT, I get the proper string. My DNS provider is Cloudflare. Could somebody help me fix this?


Did you manage to solve this? I have this same issue. SSL verification fails even if running host -t TXT _acme-challenge… return the right string.

I did not. Will try to reinstall. @verry are you running debian or Ubuntu?

In my experience this is most often caused by DNS issues. See my reply to a similar question here

I’m having another problem I’m not able to install ssl with this code!

ee site create --wp --letsencrypt
ee site update --letsencrypt

It says that these codes are not written by ee

That’s because V4 is using different parameters. Please read the documentations.

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Thanks, I’ll verify.

I tested but unfortunately it is not working.

# Create WordPress site with ssl from letsencrypt
$ ee site create --type=wp --ssl=le

You have to run it as sudo:

sudo ee site create --type=wp --ssl=le

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:grinning: was this I had forgotten now gave certain thanks for reminding friend.
I used sudo su ee site create --type=wp --ssl=le

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I think you’re supposed to have 2 TXT records for the acme challenge. I got two when I created multisite wildcard SSL.

On Ubuntu. Verification still failing even if everything is propagated. :frowning:

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Who’s your DNS provider? CloudFlare works almost instantly when changing records.

I’m using cloudflare as well…

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