How to install Letsencrypt for domains on WP Multisite (subdom)?


I’ve just installed a WP multisite with Letsencrypt.
sudo ee site create --type=wp --mu=subdom --cache --ssl=le --wildcard

Then I created a new site ( in WP multisite and added DNS records to the server IP. The new site works on HTTP.

How do I install Letsencrypt for so it only works with HTTPS?

Muchas gracias!

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+1 to that.

Could not find a command to install just the Let’s Encrypt to, tried some hacks, put to no avail.


bumpiddy bump bump

#wannaknow #me2

@patric @Thiago_Censi @Endda Checkout my reply on this thread - EasyEngine 4 : multisite, every site with own domain and letsencrypt enabled

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That’s great news. Thanks!

so, I must wait 4.1 :frowning:
Any ETA?

@unicom It might take ~1-2 week for this feature.

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if just 1-2 weeks would be awesome

hopefully will get site update command with 4.1

will buy everyone virtual beer!!!

The feature is still not assigned to nobody
what would be a realistic time frame for this ?

Yeah. Very bad
I am waiting too and cant upgrade to v4

Do you have to use Lets Encrypt? You can use self signed certificate with CloudFlare on multisite.

Yes, very much looking and waiting for a solution as well.

@kirtan any ETA about 4.1?

bump bump up

any realistic time frame for this feature ?

It’s been available.

Nice answer but as 4.1 isn’t released… any hint on where it is hidden?

any updates here?

Any news here? I don’t get any updates on my threads and I think easyengine development is stopped as there are no news or updated articles anymore?