Your welcome! All you would need to do is:
Create a new domain name in easyengine: ee site create --wp --php7 --wpfc
Then in SSH, cd to your htdocs folder on the old domain name: cd /var/www/
Then run: zip -r wp-content
Make sure you have “Zip & unzip” installed: apt-get install zip unzip
Then run: wp db export --allow-root
Then, the easiest way to move the zip file and the SQL file you just created ( for me ) is via sFTP - just drag it from one domain/htdocs to the new domain/htdocs - you can delete the old wp-content folder on the new domain name you created above in step 1.
Once the zip file and the SQL file is in the NEW /htdocs/ directory with all the other new WP files, then run in SSH:
Then run: chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/
Then run: wp db reset --allow-root ( click YES ) when prompted.
Then run: wp db import databasename.sql --allow-root
You should be done!