>> wpml & rtMedia

  1. I install WPML & rtMedia >> no problem
  2. Homepage = Home and template’s frontpage1 also tested with 2 and 3 other template
  3. Page look ok but when rtMedia button press “media” I see this : Why ?
    Thank you

I do all of this and It bugs, why ?

Create empty page called Home (Pages → Add New) with selected Frontpage 1, Frontpage 2 or Frontpage 3 page template and setup Home page as your frontpage.

More information you will find in the documentation.

@laurent_c, These messages aren't coming from rtMedia. It may be coming from your theme. Can you please check rtMedia with default WordPress theme?

If it works with default WordPress theme than try applying solution provided in this doc -> https://rtcamp.com/rtmedia/docs/developer/templating-system/theme-media-tab/