EDIT: I am not sure why this isn’t anywhere on the site but I found this github issue discussing a different command for installing Wordpress Multi-site if you are planning to use domain mapping. Below is the example code:
ee site create example.com --dm
--dm flag will make example.com as default_server and install + config domain-mapping plugin
It will imply --wpsubdom.
For wp-subdir and domain-mapping
ee site create example.com --dm --wpsubdir
I must be doing something wrong but I followed all the steps I could find on setting up Wordpress in Multisite mode using subdomains and setting up domain-mapping.
I ran the below code to setup the server and setup the base Wordpress install:
wget -qO ee rt.cx/ee && sudo bash ee
ee site create teamcfi.com --wpsubdom --wpfc
After which I installed the WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin. I updated the wp-config.php file with:
define( 'SUNRISE', 'on' );
and I copied over the sunrise.php file. Then I updated the IP address in the domain mapping settings and it gave me a message stating it created the mapping table.
I added a domain beyondanetbranch.com with the site ID of 3 for my http://test.teamcfi.com/ test site.
I updated the DNS records to point to the correct domain but it always just goes to the default Nginx page. I assumed the easyengine setup script would setup the Multisite install correctly so I guess I am doing something wrong.
On a previous test site I went into the default Nginx config file and commented out:
listen 80 default_server;
and enabled it on the config file for my main site, at which point the domain mapping sorta worked.
Depending on how I mapped the domain, either www.beyondanetbranch.com or beyondanetbranch.com it would only work for one or the other and would redirect to the main site if the opposite was navigated too. Ex: If I set it up for beyondanetbranch.com and tried to navigate to www.beyondanetbranch.com it would redirect to teamcfi.com.
I know this isn’t a direct question for just one problem but all the above problems seem to be presenting themselves on the 3 test sites I have worked on thus far. I am curious if uncommenting the listening port is required and if so why wasn’t it listed in the instructions or if not can someone advice on the steps I am missing and how do I deal with the routing issues with the routing issue when attempting to visit the site with www at the start of the domain address?