WordPress Diagonosis errors

Hello people!

I recently installed EasyEngine V4 on a $5 droplet with Ubuntu 20.04. The installation proceeded smoothly. However, when accessing the WordPress control panel, I noticed that WordPress Diagonosis found two errors.

  1. The request to the REST API failed due to the following error.
    Error: cURL error 28: Connection timed out after 10000 milliseconds (http_request_failed)

  2. The loopback request for your site has failed, which means that features that depend on it are not working as expected.
    Error: cURL error 28: Connection timed out after 10001 milliseconds (http_request_failed)

Should I worry about these mistakes? Is it possible to correct them?

Thanks for the help, right now!

PS: Message written in Portuguese and translated by Google Translate. The errors should be similar, but with messages written differently, on WordPress in English.