Where do i place the code in the template?

Hi Guys I just want to know where do I place the code ( shown below) in the template as I don't want the buttons to appear on all my pages - just want them on my blog pages. Cheers


For manual placement, please use this function call in your template: <?php if ( function_exists( 'rtsocial' ) ) { echo rtsocial(); } ?>


The most commonly used blog pages can be either one of these -

  1. index.php (blog index)
  2. archive.php (all archive pages - date, author, category etc. or specific archive pages like date.php, author.php, category.php etc.)
  3. single.php (single post view).

(Please refer to WordPress template hierarchy for a list of all the blog related files)

You can place this function call directly in these files, wherever you want the social buttons to appear. For e. g. if you want it to appear below the post title, then place the function call below the div/header tag surrounding ‘the_title()’.

Please try this and let us know whether it worked or not. We’re here to assist you!