Wanting to pull in member images into group albums

I’ve been searching for a way to combine all of the user’s photos that are in a group to the main Group page, does anyone know where I should look to accomplish this? I am comfortable making modifications to the code, but I was hoping to not have to rewrite rtmedia for this project…
Thanks so much!


Yes yo can do that using gallery shortcode. Check this document -> https://rtcamp.com/rtmedia/docs/common/shortcodes/gallery-shortcode/ for more details on shortcode.

That comes close, but setting the global attribute to false will pull in images from ALL users in ALL groups, I need the public images of users to be pulled into the group they are a part of, not have a global media gallery that shows all users/groups media files, however modifying that short code seems a better way then ripping out 2 templates and shoving in custom queries :P, so I'll start there. Thanks!

You need to give context = 'group', context_id = {group_id} and privacy = 0. This will fetch all the public media of a group.