Video does upload but not appear

Strange issue: I could upload very small mp4 files and they appeared correct in the profile. For uploading files bigger than 2 MB I changed the network settings in Wordpress (3.4.1 Multisite), also in the php.ini both max_upload_size and max_post_size.

The result is: uploading a 10MB file is possible, no error appears, but when it is finished, site redirects to the album but it says "Sorry, no videos were found."

I checked in the mediathek and even in the ftp folder "/wp-content/uploads/" the file is not there. But I was able to upload an audio file with 2,2 MB, and also I could upload the 10MB video file directly within the mediathek.

I attached the manual uploaded video to the album and then the video appears in the album, but not in the video tab, it still says "videos 0".

What's wrong? The file is a converted m4v file, I used Bibasoft Total Video Converter (for Mac) to convert the m4v file to mp4.

Do you have an idea, what might cause the issue?

I am using the Buddypress Media 2.3.2

Can you please verify that you can upload that video file from the media library in the dashboard?

Yes, from media library in my dashboard I can upload the file.

Greetings again,

du you still have no idea, what could be wrong? Difficult to use the plugin for our life site, without video support. Hope to get some inspiration ;-)

regards tanaris


Have you tested latest BuddyPress-Media 2.5.x release? It has a new uploader. May be it will work for you...

Hi @tanaris, We are closing this issue since we didn't hear anything from your side from last seven-eight months. If you have any issue please are always welcome to our Support Forum