Users can't upload within their media tab

PHP 5.2.17 MYSQL 5.1.39 WordPress 3.6 BuddyPress 1.8 rtMedia 3.0.13 OS Linux Imagick Not Installed GD bundled (2.0.34 compatible) [php.ini] post_max_size 20M [php.ini] upload_max_filesize 20M [php.ini] memory_limit 256M

When users go to their profile -> media page and try to upload an image the select box file browser doesn't come up. There is a button labelled select but clicking on it doesn't do anything.

Clicking the upload button below the upload box attempts to upload nothing and throws an error.

Any Advice?

@g_force - Looks like you have a js error on your page which is breaking this functionality of rtMedia. You would need to find the culprit plugin or theme code to resolve this issue. You could check your browser console for js errors.