Use conditional tags


How are we supposed to use the conditional tags? Let's say I want to use is_rtmedia_edit_allowed() to allow users to edit their album.

What am I supposed to do with it?

Thanks for your help, Laurent.

if ( is_rtmedia_edit_allowed() ) { // this will be executed if edit is allowed } else { // this will be executed if edit is not allowed }

That is the general approach. Conditional tags help you do something if a certain condition is met and to do something different if the condition is not met.

Hi Henry,

Thanks for your reply. Is it something I have to add to functions.php ?

Thanks, L.

Hi Laurent

conditional logic goes anywhere you need it really, there is no set place. It can go in functions.php as part of a function or you could use it in your theme.


Hi Henry,

I'm not really sure to understand how to use it. I simply want to add a code that states that the author of a post can edit/delete the gallery of that specific post, and this for any author/post/page on the website.

Thanks, Laurent.

I'm pretty sure a post's photo gallery isn't the same as an rtMedia photo gallery. An rtMedia photo gallery is specific to a member, not specific to a post.

Hi Henry,

The way I understood it is that rtmedia uses context to link media with post or page as written here:

When using it, I can indeed only see the pictures gallery on the post they were uploaded, so I guess I should be able to edit/delete them from the same spot.

@laurent thanks for pointing out the "media context" - The uploader is much more powerful than I thought. Glad you worked it out!

Hi @Henrywright,

Glad it helps you. Knowing about the use of context, I'm still looking for a way to connect it with the above-mentioned conditional tags.

Any suggestions would help. L.

@laurent - Let me try to understand your requirement here. You want to use a shortcode or template tag in a post and want to make sure the author of the post has the permission to edit or delete the media in that gallery through the shortcode/template tag?

Hi @joshuaabenazer,

That's exactly what I need. It all should happen from the front-end.

thanks, Laurent.

@laurent - Actually this would depend on your theme. You would need to have a look at the template hierarchy of WordPress -> and identify which file in your theme would be responsible for the page/post in which you would like to implement this.

Once you have identified that, you could add the following code to that file, preferably inside the WordPress Loop ( )

if ( is_single() ) { // This should be changed to which post type page you actually are on. Check  
    $currentuser = get_currentuserinfo();  
    if ( get_the_author() == $currentuser->display_name ) {  
        rtmedia_uploader(); // for the uploader  
        rtmedia_gallery(); // for the gallery  

Hi @JoshuaAbenazer,

Did something change in the latest update of the plugin? Now I automatically see an edit and delete button on each picture when using the author's login.

@laurent - I guess that was available before also. You can have a look at the changelog for a better picture ->