Uploader not displaying

Using a Genesis theme with rtMedia and the uploader is not showing on the front end.

When I click on ‘Media’ from the profile it just shows the text and loses all formatting and the uploader fails to show. There are no JS errors in console or PHP errors in debug.

If I use default theme it is ok - so it is theme issue - but what to add to the theme to make it work, you can verify by just using the Genesis framework itself as the theme - whats weird is the Sample theme is ok but Framework is not.

I have tested some other Genesis start themes and the results vary.

Any ideas on how to fix.

Hi @neilgee,

I have checked Genesis theme framework (Version: 2.4.2) with rtMedia plugin and I am not facing any issues with the layout or the uploader.

Please cross check if theme style.css and JS files are rendering correctly.


Thanks for reply I have found that if the Genesis Theme Setting - Content Archive is set to Entry Excerpts that is when the issue happens…

nice finding. :thumbsup: