It looks like maybe the repo is getting created? but it is not added to the project and I activated debug mode so I could grab the errors.
Seeing a bunch of these:
Notice : Undefined index: gitoliteadmins (at /home/daniel/projects/httpdocs/custom/modules/ac\_gitolite/models/ProjectGitolite.class.php on 268 line) Notice : Undefined variable: can\_add\_repository (at /home/daniel/projects/httpdocs/custom/modules/ac\_gitolite/controllers/ProjectTrackingGitoliteController.class.php on 122 line) Notice : Undefined variable: allowed\_repos (at /home/daniel/projects/httpdocs/custom/modules/ac\_gitolite/controllers/ProjectTrackingGitoliteController.class.php on 124 line) Notice : Uninitialized string offset: 0 (at /home/daniel/projects/httpdocs/activecollab/3.3.6/modules/source/engines/git.class.php on 481 line) Notice : Undefined index: git\_ssh\_port (at /home/daniel/projects/httpdocs/custom/modules/ac_gitolite/models/GitoliteAdmin.class.php on 35 line) And MYSQL errors:
# 178 - info - INSERT INTO acx\_rt\_gitolite\_repomaster (repo\_fk,project\_id,repo\_name,git\_repo\_path,repo\_created\_by,git_s sh\_path,disable\_notifications) VALUES ('80' ,'40', 'bizdev', '/home/git/repositories/bizdev.git', '16', 'git@inthepine','no')
# 179 - info - INSERT INTO acx\_rt\_gitolite\_access\_master (repo\_id,permissions,user\_id,group_id) VALUES ('75', 'a:3:{i:1 6;s:1:\"3\";i:15;s:1:\"3\";i:45;s:1:\"3\";}', '16', '1')
# 180 - info - SELECT * FROM acx\_rt\_gitolite\_repomaster where repo\_id = 75 limit 1
# 181 - info - SELECT id, slug, template\_id, based\_on\_type, based\_on\_id, company\_id, category\_id, label\_id, currency_id , budget, state, original\_state, name, leader\_id, leader\_name, leader\_email, overview, completed\_on, completed\_by\_id, completed\_by\_name, completed\_by\_email, created\_on, created\_by\_id, created\_by\_name, created\_by\_email, updated\_on, updat ed\_by\_id, updated\_by\_name, updated\_by\_email, custom\_field\_1, custom\_field\_2, custom\_field\_3 FROM acx\_projects WHERE id = '40' LIMIT 0, 1
# 182 - info - SELECT user\_id FROM acx\_project\_users WHERE project\_id = '40'
# 183 - info - select user\_id,pub\_file\_name from acx\_rt\_gitolite\_user\_public\_keys where is\_deleted = '0' and user\_id in (15,16,36,45,73) order by user_id;
# 184 - info - update acx\_rt\_gitolite\_repomaster set gitolite\_config=' RW+ = chris-15 \RW+ = alex-16 RW+ = old-gitolite-16 RW+ = daniel-gitolite-16 RW+ = nate-45 \
' where repo_id =75
# 185 - info - SELECT * from acx\_rt\_config_settings \WHERE module\_name = 'ac\_gitolite' \
# 186 - info - SELECT * FROM acx\_rt\_config_settings
# 187 - info - SELECT a.* , FROM acx\_rt\_gitolite\_repomaster a JOIN acx\_source\_repositories b ON a.repo\_fk = w here gitolite_config is null limit 1
# 188 - info - SELECT CONCAT('repo ', repo\_name),gitolite\_config INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/gitolite\_0\_56756000-1367278707' \FIELDS ESCAPED BY '' TERMINATED BY ' \
' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '' LINES TERMINATED BY ' ' FROM acx\_rt\_gitolite_repomaster
# 189 - error - SQL error. MySQL said: Access denied for user 'projects'@'localhost' (using password: YES) (SELECT CONCAT('repo ', repo\_name),gitolite\_config INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/gitolite\_0\_56756000-1367278707' FIELDS ESCAPED BY '' TERMINATED BY ' ' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '' LINES TERMINATED BY ' ' FROM acx\_rt\_gitolite_repomaster )
# 190 - info - ROLLBACK
# 191 - info - Rolling back the transaction. Reason: Failed to create a repository @ ProjectTrackingGitoliteController
# 192 - info - Event 'on_shutdown' triggered