Upgraded ActiveCollab and module and can no longer create repos

We upgrade ActiveCollab to version 3.3.6 and Gitolite Module to version 1.3.6

I'm not seeing any errors in the apache logs, and I don't have any logs at all in my ActiveCollab logs folder.

When I try to create a repo via the projects source page the activity spinner spins and then the page does nothing, it just stays on the add repo form.

When I try to go to the Administration Sources page it partially loads but never shows the gitolite repositories and the 'loading' tab never goes away.

We need to solve this soon because it is preventing us from managing our repositories, unless you know of a backup way to get around this? Some way to manually access the gitolite-admin?

It looks like maybe the repo is getting created? but it is not added to the project and I activated debug mode so I could grab the errors.

Seeing a bunch of these:

Notice : Undefined index: gitoliteadmins (at /home/daniel/projects/httpdocs/custom/modules/ac\_gitolite/models/ProjectGitolite.class.php on 268 line) Notice : Undefined variable: can\_add\_repository (at /home/daniel/projects/httpdocs/custom/modules/ac\_gitolite/controllers/ProjectTrackingGitoliteController.class.php on 122 line) Notice : Undefined variable: allowed\_repos (at /home/daniel/projects/httpdocs/custom/modules/ac\_gitolite/controllers/ProjectTrackingGitoliteController.class.php on 124 line) Notice : Uninitialized string offset: 0 (at /home/daniel/projects/httpdocs/activecollab/3.3.6/modules/source/engines/git.class.php on 481 line) Notice : Undefined index: git\_ssh\_port (at /home/daniel/projects/httpdocs/custom/modules/ac_gitolite/models/GitoliteAdmin.class.php on 35 line) And MYSQL errors:   
# 178 - info - INSERT INTO acx\_rt\_gitolite\_repomaster (repo\_fk,project\_id,repo\_name,git\_repo\_path,repo\_created\_by,git_s sh\_path,disable\_notifications) VALUES ('80' ,'40', 'bizdev', '/home/git/repositories/bizdev.git', '16', 'git@inthepine s.co:bizdev','no')   

# 179 - info - INSERT INTO acx\_rt\_gitolite\_access\_master (repo\_id,permissions,user\_id,group_id) VALUES ('75', 'a:3:{i:1 6;s:1:\"3\";i:15;s:1:\"3\";i:45;s:1:\"3\";}', '16', '1')   

# 180 - info - SELECT * FROM acx\_rt\_gitolite\_repomaster where repo\_id = 75 limit 1  

# 181 - info - SELECT id, slug, template\_id, based\_on\_type, based\_on\_id, company\_id, category\_id, label\_id, currency_id , budget, state, original\_state, name, leader\_id, leader\_name, leader\_email, overview, completed\_on, completed\_by\_id, completed\_by\_name, completed\_by\_email, created\_on, created\_by\_id, created\_by\_name, created\_by\_email, updated\_on, updat ed\_by\_id, updated\_by\_name, updated\_by\_email, custom\_field\_1, custom\_field\_2, custom\_field\_3 FROM acx\_projects WHERE id = '40' LIMIT 0, 1   

# 182 - info - SELECT user\_id FROM acx\_project\_users WHERE project\_id = '40'  

# 183 - info - select user\_id,pub\_file\_name from acx\_rt\_gitolite\_user\_public\_keys where is\_deleted = '0' and user\_id in (15,16,36,45,73) order by user_id;   

# 184 - info - update acx\_rt\_gitolite\_repomaster set gitolite\_config=' RW+ = chris-15 \RW+ = alex-16 RW+ = old-gitolite-16 RW+ = daniel-gitolite-16 RW+ = nate-45 \ ' where repo_id =75   

# 185 - info - SELECT * from acx\_rt\_config_settings \WHERE module\_name = 'ac\_gitolite' \   

# 186 - info - SELECT * FROM acx\_rt\_config_settings  

# 187 - info - SELECT a.* ,b.id FROM acx\_rt\_gitolite\_repomaster a JOIN acx\_source\_repositories b ON a.repo\_fk = b.id w here gitolite_config is null limit 1   

# 188 - info - SELECT CONCAT('repo ', repo\_name),gitolite\_config INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/gitolite\_0\_56756000-1367278707' \FIELDS ESCAPED BY '' TERMINATED BY ' \ ' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '' LINES TERMINATED BY ' ' FROM acx\_rt\_gitolite_repomaster   

# 189 - error - SQL error. MySQL said: Access denied for user 'projects'@'localhost' (using password: YES) (SELECT CONCAT('repo ', repo\_name),gitolite\_config INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/gitolite\_0\_56756000-1367278707' FIELDS ESCAPED BY '' TERMINATED BY ' ' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '' LINES TERMINATED BY ' ' FROM acx\_rt\_gitolite_repomaster )   

# 190 - info - ROLLBACK  

# 191 - info - Rolling back the transaction. Reason: Failed to create a repository @ ProjectTrackingGitoliteController  

# 192 - info - Event 'on_shutdown' triggered  

Figured it out. The MySQL user needs FILE privileges: GRANT FILE ON . TO 'user'@'localhost';


Thanks for finding this problem and solution.

We will add a fallback for this condition in a next release soon.