Unable to setup Let's Encrypt

Hey guys,

I got contracted to make a site, http://healingandrevival.us I’m trying to setup Let’s Encrypt but I’m getting an error that says “Unable to setup, Let’s Encrypt
Please make sure that your site is pointed to
same server on which you are running Let’s Encrypt Client
to allow it to verify the site automatically.”

If you check though, typing in www.healingandrevival.us will take you to the site so I have www pointed to my domain. Any ideas? Thanks!

Did you already try to use the DNS validation method?

I haven’t! Where is the information on that? I haven’t heard of that before! Thanks!

Did you request a wildcard certificate? If you did, the DNS validation method should be used by default. If you didn’t request a wildcard certificate, use this command to switch your validation method over to DNS and then request your certificates again, you will be given two TXT records to add to _acme-challenge.healingandrevival.us – add those and then finally request again.

ee config set preferred_ssl_challenge dns

See https://easyengine.io/handbook/internal/ssl/ for more info

@msarhan I think @HamRadio25 is using EEv3 hence there won’t be option to use DNS validation.

@HamRadio25 can you share the output of ee cli version or if that does not work the output of ee --version. Also, what command did you exactly use to create your site?