Unable to reload nginx, says authentication requeried

I am trying to install Let’s encrypt using this tutorial : https://easyengine.io/tutorials/nginx/letsencrypt/ after configuring, when I am trying to reload nginx using this commond on putty

sudo nginx -t && service nginx reload

it gives the following error

I am using AWS EC2 , and I use .pem ( converted into puttygen key) to login. I don’t know what to write as password. username is default ubuntu.

Kindly help

Okay, finally I figured out one method.

First of all login to your AWS EC2 using putty, then first of run this command:
su passwd

it will give you option to set new password for user “root” without even asking the current password. By default, the root username on ubuntu is “ubuntu”, not “root” ( and while loggin in to AWS EC2 via Putty , we use “ubuntu” as username) but when you run the command

su paaswd

It sets password for username “root” not , “ubuntu”. why? Ask a developer. I have no idea about it
after setting password

now run:

su root

then it will ask for password- type the password and click “enter” while typing the password, you won’t see anything ( even no asteric mark, so nothing to worry about that, passwords on unix is completly invisible )

now to reload the nginx, simply run following command as given in the tutorial here: https://easyengine.io/tutorials/nginx/letsencrypt/
nginx -t && service nginx reload

Once you logged in as user “root” , now you don’t need to type “sudo” before writing commands.

and that’s it…

It is so much easier to use EE to install the certificate:

ee site update domain.com --le

Hey, yes I figured it out late :smiley: They must write this one the top of this tutorial page .
