Unable to git commit at /etc/nginx

When I run sudo ee site create example.com --wp, I am getting an error at installing plugin nginx-helper. The output is

Running pre-update checks, please wait...
Setting up NGINX configuration  [Done]
Setting up webroot              [Done]
Downloading Wordpress           [Done]
Setting up database             [Done]
Installing plugin nginx-helper, please wait...
Reload : nginx     [Failed]
Oops Something went wrong !!
Calling cleanup actions ...
Reload : nginx     [Failed]
Unable to git commit at /etc/nginx

I’ve never had problems before and this just started today.

Please check for any possible nginx config error with

nginx -t

That always comes up successful

nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok

nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful

Possible case on that could be missing configuration files at location /etc/nginx/common or stopped Nginx service.

Please check detailed EE log for more detail -

tail -n100 /var/log/ee/ee.log