I am wanting to launch two small wordpress websites for some friends of mine, on one digitalocean droplet server. Am I correct in assuming I just need to run the command ee site install twice? I am a bit lost on what needs to be done to configure the virtual hosts for nginx to make this work. Am I also correct in assuming they need to be separate installations, since they’re two different entities? The two sites are not related to eachother and will have separate domain names.
First you need to install easyengine
curl -sL rt.cx/ee | sudo bash
Once its install, we need to install nginx php5-fpm and mysql
ee system install
Lets create friend1.com
ee site create friend1.com --wp
Lets create friend2.com
ee site create friend2.com --wp
I believe there is more to it than that. Could you explain how to set up sites-available virtual host and DNS? That is where I am lost.
/sites-available folder contains
- 22222
- friend1.com
- friend2.com
- default
I’ve read some of NGINX wiki, but I am unsure if my error is with virtual hosts and/or setting up the DNS properly.
EasyEngine can automatically set vhost and all the other thing when you issue ee site create
Also that you need to replace friend1.com and friend2.com in above example with your friends domain names.
After that you need to change A record (DNS) for your friend website to your server ip address
How can you work on the site you’ve created without redirecting the domain name right away. I have multiple sites. I have a couple of domain names pointing to the server and just created a new site which I need to populate before making live. How do I go about populating that WP site?
I am assuming your new site example.com is hosted on ip address
I need to populate example.com before making live.
For this you need to follow below steps in your local machine:
sudo vim /etc/hosts
Add folling line in above file example.com www.example.com
Now open example.com in your web-browser
Hello @adonnan and @ahmedreza
I hope your query is resolved. I am closing this support ticket for now.
Feel free to create a new support ticket if you have any queries further.