Translations not working anymore!

After updating to latest version of RTMEDIA, all translations stopped working. I uploaded language file again to a folder:


I uploaded both files just in case ( and rtmedia-fi_FI.po).

Nothing happens! I hope that someone has some ideas how to help me :slight_smile:

@miikka, can you tell me what constant is set for ‘WPLANG’ in your wp_config.php file?

You can also submit your translation for rtMedia here ->

Check this link for how to submit translations ->

define(‘WPLANG’, ‘fi’);

I have tried: rtmedia-fi, rtmedia-fi_FI and rtmedia_fi. Nothing works :frowning:

@miikka, Can you please check whether it works properly by changing the WPLANG for other language?

Use this line to define WPLANG define(‘WPLANG’, ‘fi_FI’);

I tried define(‘WPLANG’, ‘fi_FI’);. Not working and it breakes all other plugins and theme-language files :frowning:

I tried to change wplang to ro_RO … nothing happened, still in english.

This is very strange, because previous version of rtMedia worked perfectly with translations. Odd…

is only rtMedia translation not working or your whole site’s translation not working?
Also, check by deactivating rtMedia whether translation on your site works or not.