Translation : Report and Download actions

Im trying to translate two actions, Report and Download , that seem to try to pick translation without the correct domain.

class RTMediaProDownload extends RTMediaUserInteraction {  

    function __construct(){  

            return true;  

        $args = array(  
            'action' => 'download',  
            'label' => __('Download'),  
            'privacy' => 20,  
            'repeatable' => true,  
            'icon_class' => 'rtmicon-download'  
        parent::__construct ($args);  
        //removed default filter for placement of the button and added new filter  
        remove_filter('rtmedia_action_buttons_before_delete', array($this,'button_filter'));  
        add_action ( 'rtmedia_actions_without_lightbox', array( $this, 'download_button' ) );  
        add_action('rtmedia_action_buttons_after_media', array($this,'download_button'), 10);  

Just by adding to $args this it starts working:

‘label’ => __(‘Download’, ‘rtmedia’),

All the same for Reports action.

How could I achieve this without modifying your code?

Attachment Link(s):

Hi David,

You don’t need to modify code, we will fix this and it will be updated in next release of rtMedia-PRO.