Translation errors

These strings are in the po.file but won’t translate:

Delete Album

Edit Album

Add Album





This string is missing in the po.file:

No popular video found

Hello Michael,

Please refer this link :

Hope this will help you, if not, please feel free to contact us.

That won’t help me since the words are already in the po file but don’t translate.
Please take a look at your files and see if these words are hardcoded into your plugin:

Delete Album

Edit Album

Add Album





It’s better that you fix it in the plugin, rather than i have to change the words manually in the code, every time you update the plugin

those words are translation ready and that’s why they are in the po file. You can check the status of translated words here ->

You can always contribute for the translation. Please check this link -> for how to contribute for rtMedia translation.

You don’t have to and actually don’t need to change the words manually in the code. You can add missing translated words and it will be updated in next release.

I hope this will clear your doubts.

On your page: I have translated the these words to Danish:

Delete Album

Edit Album

Add Album





The string: “No popular video found” is missing, so i can’t translate it.

Those where the words that did’nt work in my po.file.

I can mail you my danish po.file if you want it. I have translated about 90% of the front end words.

Thanks for your contribution :smiley:
Those words will be added in next release. Regarding “No popular video found”, it came from rtMedia-PRO and will be added soon in our translation project.

Please use a day or two updating your translation strings. I just checked your translation strings again at : And found 10-15 more Words/strings, that don't appear in your files.

Not really sure if some of those strings come from the pro version. But you need to get it fixed asap..