Table 'wp_1_rt_rtm_activity' doesn't exist on AJAX request

AJAX request. And log in errors:

Table ‘talk37_blog.wp_1_rt_rtm_activity’ doesn’t exist SELECT count( DISTINCT activity_id) as pending from wp_rt_rtm_media where activity_id NOT IN( SELECT activity_id from wp_1_rt_rtm_activity ) AND activity_id > 0
via do_action(‘admin_init’), call_user_func_array, RTMediaActivityUpgrade->add_admin_notice, RTMediaActivityUpgrade->get_pending_count" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server:, request: “POST /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php HTTP/1.1”

“Enable Media in Activity” switched on in rtMedia Settings.

Where are a lot of rtMedia actions when doing ajax request (defined _REQUEST[‘action’]). They are necessary at this point?

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Hi @demon,

Can you check is there any table with similar name like “rt_rtm_activity” ? Can you elaborate what do you want to ask from your last sentence ?

show tables like ‘%rt_rtm_activity%’ result: wp_rt_rtm_activity

Offtopic: i think where are a lot of code, actions, upgrade handlers, etc added when /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php executing… All this is so important where? It takes time, memory.

Hi @demon,

We had figure out the issue with table doesn’t exist. It will be fixed in next update of rtMedia.

This upgrading process is nothing but to store privacy of BuddyPress activity which are rtMedia activity. In this process, single activity processes in a single call and privacy of that activity get stored after privacy calculation in rt_rtm_activity table which improves the performance while loading the BuddyPress activity. So, all that calls which takes time are necessary. It will improve the performance when process will complete. It’s one time process only, once completed, no need to run it again. I hope you get my point.

Last update doesn’t help :frowning: Two errors:

Table ‘talk37_blog.wp_1_rt_rtm_activity’ doesn’t exist SELECT count( DISTINCT activity_id) as pending from wp_rt_rtm_media where activity_id NOT IN( SELECT activity_id from wp_1_rt_rtm_activity ) AND activity_id > 0
do_action(‘admin_init’), call_user_func_array, RTMediaActivityUpgrade->add_admin_notice, RTMediaActivityUpgrade->get_pending_count request: “POST /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php HTTP/1.1”

Table ‘talk37_blog.wp_1_rt_rtm_activity’ doesn’t exist в ответ на запрос SELECT activity_id from wp_1_rt_rtm_activity ORDER BY activity_id DESC limit 1 do_action(‘admin_init’), call_user_func_array, RTMediaActivityUpgrade->add_admin_notice, RTMediaActivityUpgrade->get_pending_count, RTMediaActivityUpgrade->get_last_imported

Why upgrade not finished?

I added return 0 in: function get_pending_count( $activity_id = false ){ global $wpdb; $rtmedia_activity_model = new RTMediaActivityModel(); return 0;

error disappeared. But deleting “return 0” and error appearing. Upgrade process repeating again and again?

Hi @demon,

Is there any table named like rt_rtm_activity exist in your database? If you can see activity upgrade than same table should exist in database and which version of rtMedia you are using?

table rt_rtm_activity does not exists. What should i do to upgrade and forget about this trouble? :frowning:

Hi @demon,

Is your issue fixed or you still facing this issue?