Tab 'media' don' work, its broken

in member page or in group page, “media” link don’t work. Load the themefolder/index.php. How to fix?

Hi @pedropapito,

Could you please tell me which theme you are using.

And I would suggest you to check the plugin by using default twenty thirteen theme and disable all other plugins.

WildCommunity Buddypress theme.

this was a private reply with post_id 54082

See my post here:

Any theme based on bp-default is currently broken with rtMedia. Your best bet right now is to add some conditionals to your index.php as I’ve done to determine whether it’s on the rtMedia tab or your homepage. Not the best solution, but it works for now.

sorry @mdbob. Still do not understand what I need to do.

@mdbob, please check rtMedia plugin by enabling default WordPress theme.

Also send us your website URL so that we can have a look at it.

Hi, im using Buddy theme ( and im having the same issue!

@pedropapito @mdbob @leandro-p, please check rtMedia plugin by activating WordPress default and BuddyPress default theme and let us know whether it is working or not as we checked it on our end and it’s working fine with default themes.

Hi, its works fine… what could be wrong on my theme?

Hello @pedropapito @mdbob @leandro-p,

By default, rtMedia use theme’s index.php template. And it seems many of the themes based on bp-default theme are having just a simple message in their index.php template (ex: buddy theme is also having the similar message).

Try putting this code in your theme’s functions.php file and check if this fix the issue or not.
It will use page.php instead of index.php

function rtmedia_main_template_include( $template , $new_rt_template){  
    $template = get_page_template();  
    return $template;  

If you wish to use any other template (ex. your custom template), you can use the function “locate_template(‘custom-template-name.php’)” instead of the “get_page_template()”.

Please try the solution and let us know if your issue is resolved or not.

It works! Thanks :smiley: