SSL Renew ERROR and update 4.0.3 to 4.0.10 impossible

I have some problems about ssl certificat renewal doesn’t work anymore and also impossible to make any update to a newer version of ee.

When I try to make update i get that errors:

Error: Encountered error while processing remove-global-ee-containers in EE\Migration\ChangeGlobalServiceContainerNames::remove_global_ee_containers. Exception: Unable to remove global service containers
Error: Errors were encountered while processing: 20181225063950_service-command_change_global_service_container_names.php
Unable run change-global-service-container-name migrations.

or if I try to force renew ssl cert :

Error: Failed to verify SSL: cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired (see

Does i really need backup all site I have and make newer install ?

Seems to be the same error/cause than Upgrade Issue, SSL-Renewal error 4.0.x -> 4.0.10