I renewed my letsencrypt certificates this week. They renewed successfully but since then I can’t load any SSL/HTTPS pages on the server. I can telnet to the server on port 443 and I verified the firewall rules and 443 is allowed.
I have a clone of the server with the same certificates and SSL is working there. I upgraded to the latest Easy Engine as well.
This is my ssl.conf
listen 443 ssl http2; ssl on; ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/domain.com/fullchain.pem; ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/domain.com/privkey.pem;
I don’t have any force ssl conf files for this domain so there should be no redirection.
No entries appear in the log files (error or access) for https connections. So far I haven’t found any log file that tells me there’s a problem. I’ve even gone as far as removing the SSL configuration and updating the site for letsencrypt but I still can’t get the site (or any site) to load via https.
Any help or direction for where to look would be great. A domain with the issue is https://network1.outsmarthosting.com/