Single media lightbox opens with sidebar template included

Hi guys,

Amazing work on the plugin! Does exactly what’s expected and easy to customise :slight_smile:

I’m having an issue with the lightbox not correctly opening single media. It DOES open it but additionally loads everything else on the page again. I’m not 100% sure what’s happening but it seems that the AJAX request is doing something it isn’t supposed to do.

You can see a live example of the issue here:

I’m using a custom theme based on Roots (
One thing that could potentially cause issues is the wrapper system Roots uses:

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Hi Bowe,

Thanks for your valuable feedback, I appreciate it :slight_smile:

Answer to your issue, check this doc -> and apply solution suggested there.

Let me know if that works or not.

Hi Ritesh,

I tried all the suggestions on that page but no results… Anything else I can try?

I’m pretty sure the problem is related to this file

This seems to hijack the way you guys serve the main template. Even adding the proposed filter seems to have no results.

Any suggestions to solve this guys? I would really love to use this plugin :slight_smile:

Hi Bowe,

Yes you are right, it is hook priority issue. If you call rtMedia template hook -> at priority 100 than it will work completely fine.

Another way is to check the value of $rt_ajax_request global variable in theme’s base.php file and if it is true than do not load header, footer and sidebar, just load the template.

Got it solved! Thank you!

In case anyone stumbles upon this issue with BuddyPress Media and a Roots based theme. Check out this snippet:


Hi Bowe,

According to that if condition , if you disable rtMedia plugin than it won’t load header, footer and sidebar because it won’t find rtmedia_autoloader function.

I suggest some thing like following,

global $rt_ajax_request;  
 if( isset( $rt_ajax_request ) && $rt_ajax_request ){  
	include roots_template_path();  
 } else {  
	// load header, footer ,sidebar and template (actual code of base.php file)  

You’re right :slight_smile: Thank you, works a treat!

Hi @bowefrankema,

You are welcome. Feel free to create new support request if you found any issue.