Running "Blogger to WordPress Redirection" plugin as part of the Migration

Hi, Thank you for providing these great resources. I'm following your“Migrate from Blogger to WordPress – Best DIY Tutorial.”And while running your "Blogger to WordPress Redirection" plugin, I encounter the following 3 issues:

  1. List of Blogs shows my Blogger blog with custom domain instead of the blogspot subdomain. Is this a problem?

I registered a new domain name through Blogger and changed my Blogger blog's blogspot subdomain to the new domain, and then imported all the posts into WP as instructed in the tutorial. Before running this plugin, I changed the domain of my Blogger blog back to the blogspot subdomain as instructed in the tutorial.

  1. I proceeded with this plugin anyway and Test Case shows that a Blogger post (with custom domain: is redirected to a new post (with temporary IP address URL: Is this normal?

Before running this plugin, I had followed the tutorial to install Firefox's SwitchHosts addon and use it to access my WP on the custom domain which actually directs to the IP address provided by HostGator.

  1. Both the old and new posts in Test Case can load fine under the SwitchHosts "Edited view." However, under the "Original view", the original post shows as "Not Found" and the new post loads with awkward formatting. And this is what my blog readers will see. What should I do about this situation?

I have followed your "Migrate from Blogger to WordPress – Best DIY Tutorial" step by step to this stage, except I haven't changed the DNS.

Thanks in advance for your assistance!


Hi John,

Sorry to hear that you faced issues.

Below are answers/solutions…

1. WordPress keeps records of blogger domain from which you import. This record is used by plugin. So as of now you cannot set manually subdomain for redirection.

We have noted this issue and we will fix this within 2 weeks.
You can subscribe to our blog to receive update when issue gets fixed.

2. For second issue - go to Wordpress dashboard >> general settings.

Then set your main domain as “WordPress address (URL)” and “Site address (URL)”
It may be set to -

3 - For SwitchHosts, use "Edited view" during testing.

Please let me know if you face any more issues.

Rahul Bansal,

Thanks for your reply. I’m disappointed to hear that the plugin needs rework. I assumed your tutorial is the best migration guide out there but now it seems I have to wait another 2 weeks to use it. Is there maybe anything I can do now to speed up the migration process?


Hi John,

Did your was on a subdomain before?
If no, then you don’t need redirection plugin step and can go ahead.

Else, you can try modifying plugin codes (file - rt_blogger_2_wordpress.php )
We will try to provide a release before 2 weeks.



Thanks for your reply. I had had a blogspot subdomian until I saw your tutorial and registered a custom domain through Blogger.

At this point I’m considering doing just the redirect, and forget about the permalink thing. Actually I don’t see why we need to register a new domain and then maintain permalinks. With a brand new domain, no one is pointing at this new URL, why is there a need to maintain permalink? Also, you will eventually switch the Blogger blog back to blogspot subdomain for the redirect anyway.

But I’m trapped now since the Blogger blog has been on the new domain for 2 weeks now. I really want to get this done as quickly as possible hopefully this weekend. If you could fix the plugin fast, that would be really helpful…

Hi John,

In your case, you will get benefit of custom domain, only if after setting it up on, you stay on custom domain for longer period. Atleast 2-3 months.

That time helps pagerak transfer. But if your blog is new or don’t get much traffic from search engines, then that step is not worth the wait.

Rahul, I just reinstalled Wordpress, and while using the Blogger Importer plugin, I get the following error message:

The page you have requested cannot be displayed. Another site was requesting access to your Google Account, but sent a malformed request. Please contact the site that you were trying to use when you received this message to inform them of the error. A detailed error message follows:

The site “” has not been registered.

What can I do about it and still be able to use the redirection plugin later?

Hey John,

First registered your domain (again) with Google webmaster to access all the Google service.
Link :
Complete all the steps.

And then try to import contents into WordPress, the authorization will work.
