RtMedia Video Loading Problems

hi, i have installed rtmedia free version in my wordpress using buddypress web site. The problem is when i open up the feeds page after the page loads The video starts playing automatically on the full screen hiding the page content. Secondly in free version can i upload a video other that mp4 format???

@muddassar - Could you check if the same issue occurs when using one of the default themes?

In the free version you can only upload mp4 format. You could subscribe to the free version of the Audio/Video encoding service to allow other formats of video, but the bandwidth and file size limit would be limited in the free version.

@Joshua Abenazer
I have tried on the default template and it works fine. But when i switched to template other than default buddypress template the problem arises.

@muddassar - It looks like a theme issue then. Contact your theme developer regarding this. Most probably it is due to some js conflict.