rtMedia Updates show on main Activities page, but not the activity Stream widget


Just a quick question. Can you confirm that updates that include media won’t display in the standard BuddyPress Activity Stream widget?

This is how it is working for us right now, I just want to confirm that nothing is broken…

Kind regards

@feedmymedia - Are you using a plugin to display the BuddyPress Activity Stream?

Thanks for responding Joshua.

No were not using a plugin, its the standard activity stream widget that becomes available when you activate BuddyPress.

Kind regards

@feedmymedia - I don’t think BuddyPress provides such a widget. Could you share your debug info?


It appears I have wasted your time, I apologise for that. One of our developers must have custom coded that using the Buddypress template pack. Again, sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Kind regards

@feedmymedia - Not a problem. :slight_smile: