rtMedia translation for Bahasa Indonesia


I’m hardly to find translation of rtMedia in Bahasa Indonesia. I couldn’t find the .pot file as well.

How to make this plugin available on Bahasa Indonesia?


Hello @study_hard,

You can contribute translation for your language here https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/buddypress-media

Regarding the .po file:

The name of the file of translation ready texts for rtMedia plugin is buddypress-media.po . It is located at this path : wp-content/plugins/buddypress-media/languages.

Thank you.

Hi @pranalipatel,

What’s the different between buddypress-media.po and rtmedia.po? Which one is used for the translation?


Hello @study_hard,

You need to use buddypress-media.po file for the translation.

We have updated our text-domain from rtmedia to buddypress-media because WordPress stated that plugin’s textdomain must match its slug. Reference link

Thank you.