rtMedia pro Pinterest button still not posting proper sized image

Latest update did not address this. Here is a video demoing my problem with the rtMedia Pro Pinterest share button actions.

Attachment Link(s):


We had added a filter for that image size in latest release of rtMedia-PRO.
Use rtmedia_pro_pinterest_thumb_size filter to change the image size.
Add following code in your theme’s functions.php file.

add_filter( 'rtmedia_pro_pinterest_thumb_size', 'rtmedia_pro_change_pinterest_thumb_size', 10, 1 );		  
function rtmedia_pro_change_pinterest_thumb_size( $size ) {  
          return 'rt_media_single_image';  

It will set image size for pinterest that is being used for single media view.

Excellent, works nice.
btw, where do I see the latest change log on the rtMedia Pro updates? I see the update happen in the Wordpress backend but I’m never sure what got updated.

Thanks for the code Ritesh

Hi Ray,
Right now it is do not have any change log for updates. We only maintain it on our issue tracking system for all the features and issues. We will add change log soon.