rtMedia Photo Tagging conflict with BP autocomplete function


After make a lot of tests asking for what could be the problem with the automplete bp function not working, I could find the problem is with “rtMedia Photo Tagging” add on. The error in Chrome’s console is Uncaught Error: cannot call methods on autocomplete prior to initialization; attempted to call method wp-admin/admin-ajax.php

After deactivate the add on, the autocomplete function worked again.

Attachment Link(s):


Hi Andres,

On the same page BuddyPress also loads autocomplete javascript which is causing the error. One of the user has reported the issue at BuddyPress -> https://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/4824

We are looking into the issue and will fix it asap.

Hi I already fixed the problem with Events Mager by an option they have to just load javascript based on pages ID.

Thanks for fixing it asap, I had to disable the addon for the moment.

@Andres, could I get a link to your site?


Hi Andres,

On the same page BuddyPress also loads autocomplete javascript which is causing the error. One of the user has reported the issue at BuddyPress -> https://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/4824

We are looking into the issue and will fix it asap.

It’s been more than 2 months since this thread was opened and I haven’t received an update for the plugin yet. Any timeframe? I couldn’t use this addon anymore since for my is most important the autocomplete function than tagging.

I hope hear from You soon, thanks.

Hi Andres,

I am really sorry. As per your previous reply, I think you had resolved the issue. We will look into it.

Hi Ritesh, any update?

Hi Andres,
Sorry for the inconvenience but the issue persists. We are looking into it. Don’t worry we will fix it :slight_smile:

Thanks Ritesh, I’ll be waiting.

It’s been 4 months since I opened this threat and nothing, basically I bougth the addon 4 months ago and haven’t used it.

Hi Andres,

It is js conflict issue. Photo tag use autocomplete js (jQuery UI - v1.10.4 - 2014-01-17) which comes with WordPress while BuddyPress loads autocomlete js (Autocomplete - jQuery plugin 1.0 Beta) from plugin itself.

Download latest zip of photo tag plugin from here -> http://git.rtcamp.com/rtmedia/bpm-photo-tag

Autocomplete for member suggestion during message compose is working but js for side bar widget still breaks. At a time either one of the above js could work but we require both to work. So, if you have a rtMedia gallery widget on compose message page, it won’t open media in lightbox and rather it will redirect to single media view page.

We are trying and finding a solution for both the js file to work simultaneously. I hope you understand.

I was having a similar .js issue and used Firefox Web Developer to find what .js it said was causing everything to halt and it pointed to rtp-package-min.js for me. I ended up putting a jQuery.noConflict(); which fixed it. Can you click Console in Chrome and the “Filter Icon” (speaker looking icon) and “All” and “Show All” because in your screenshot I did’t see everything or is that all it showed?

From reading previously, when I had my issue it is state that the .js files may not be wrapped properly for example:function ($) to prevent conflicts. Other than that you may have wait it out for RTCamp to find a work-around.

I understand greatly how you feel wanting to use a feature but can’t because of a bug. Just trying to help based on my experience.