Uploading the image is unsuccessful. My URL is http://www.maybecar.com/activity/ username:rtmedia password:rtmedia You can test it. Thank you!
Hello @nunu,
Could you please confirm if you get the same issue when the other plugins on your site have been disabled and any WordPress default theme is activated?
This will help to debug the issue and figure out the cause.
Hello @nunu, checked by uploading one image on activity and media section at your site. but not seems anything like issue while uploading. will you please elaborate it more ?
Thank you
Thank you everyone! When I disable the other plug-ins, can be used. May be my own mistakes, thank you! But I found a problem, I use the BuddyPress Edit Activity plugin to edit my activity, when I use rTmedia upload pictures, the activity can not be edited. How do I edit my activity?
Hello @nunu Nice to know that you got that issue. for edit activity please follow this thread https://wordpress.org/support/topic/rtmedia-updates/