rtMedia 3.0 posts duplicate activities

Hello, when I post activity with rtMedia (for example photo), it get posted twice:

One says "added new photo" and other "posted an update" Am I the only one with this issue?

I'm running: PHP 5.4.9-4ubuntu2.1 WP 3.5.1 BP 1.7.2 rtMedia 3.0

tested on both, local and production sites.

Also interesting addon information in my opinion,

when I add two pictures simultaniosly it posts 3 activities:

2 for added new photo (with each photo for every activitiy) and 1 "activity update" for both photos

hope that helps, also I found that I need to provide my support copy: this is a copy of my local installation

Debug info


p> PHP 5.3.26


p> MYSQL 5.5.326


p> WordPress 3.5.16


p> BuddyPress 1.7.26


p> rtMedia 3.0.06


p> OS Linux6


p> Imagick Not Installed6


p> GD bundled (2.1.0 compatible)6


p> [php.ini] post_max_size 8M6


p> [php.ini] upload_max_filesize 2M6


p> [php.ini] memory_limit 256M6




Could you post admin access to your site in a private reply here? We'll need to look into it in a bit more detail.


this is same for rtMedia test site: http://demo.rtcamp.com/buddypress-media/


After your bug report here, we performed some tests and realised this was indeed happening on activities created from the profile (and not from the global activity box).

We will be releasing an update later today to fix this. Thanks for reporting this.
