Rt Plugins are outdated

I’m very sad - I bought the theme and it comes with a list of ‘plugins’ to install for features… RtSocial, rtWidgets, rtMedia, and even rtMedia Pro - ALL say they haven’t been tested with Wordpress 4.0

RtPanel Hooks Editor - shows up nowhere in the Admin backend of the site - again, it’s not Wordpress 4.0 ready.

How soon or will there be ‘updated’ plugins coming for this theme? Love the theme… want it to work ‘properly’


All those plugins are compatible and work well with latest WP and Inspirebook theme. Have you faced any compatibility issues with those plugins? Kindly share what errors you got after activating those plugins.

Regarding rtMedia and rtMedia Pro: if you checked rtMedia plugin in WP plugin directory https://wordpress.org/plugins/buddypress-media/, its already mentioned compatible with WP 4.0.



Old version of InspireBook was depend on rtPanel Theme Framework. But latest version does not required rtPanel.

Thank you for pointing out this, Since InspireBook is not supported “rtPanel Hooks Editor” any more. We will release InspireBook with remove this plugin from supported plugins list.

These plugins are already compatible with InspireBook theme. It just a matter of version updates. Our developers will update those versions in WordPress repository.
