Remove album step from BP group creation?

Hi, sorry one more time, I can’t find anything about it in your forum support

May be not a bug :wink: but…

Enabled album previously, even if for now it’s disabled, there is still your “Media” step #4
when I create a new BuddyPress group

To my mind :wink: if we don’t use your album feature then it could be useful to remove this step from group creation, isn’t ?

Hi @dje,

Sorry for delay in reply.

Thanks for putting light on this issue. It has been resolved and will be released in upcoming release which is scheduled this weekend.

Well, thank you @abhishekkaushik for your reply but it seems not available with v3.2.13.1 :frowning: isn’t ?

ooups! sorry :wink: it’s fixed for now… thank you @abhishekkaushik

Hi @dJe,

You are welcome, please let us know if you face any issue.