Remote myql for EasyEngine

I have a little problem testing a setup. I created two droplets on DigitalOcean, one for PHP,Nginx, utils, mysql client and more, and the other droplet specially for percona server. both droplets have private network ips. I setup percona server to run on the private network ip, i put the permissions for root, everything worked OK. I tried to connect manually with mysql -u root -p from the first server and it connected. I even modified ee.conf with the remote ip.

when i’m trying to create a website gives me this error: root@devly:/etc/easyengine# ee site create --wpfc Creating, please wait… Creating symbolic link for Creating htdocs & logs directory Downloading WordPress, please wait… Setting up WordPress, please wait… [ Wed Oct 15 05:19:49 EDT 2014 ] Unable to create WordPress tables for, exit status = 1 root@devly:/etc/easyengine#

in EE log I find:

Success: WordPress downloaded. EE_DB_NAME = devly_co EE_DB_USER = devly_co EE_DB_PASS = CE2oQT0OddBAGzt EE_MYSQL_HOST = EE_MYSQL_GRANT_HOST = EE_WP_PREFIX = wp_ EE_WP_USER = Alex EE_WP_PASS = ofP0zSckBLGPxFm EE_WP_EMAIL = [email protected] ^[[34mSetting up WordPress, please wait…^[(B^[[m Error:

Error establishing a database connection

This either means that the username and password information in your wp-config.php file is incorrect $

  • Are you sure you have the correct username and password?
  • Are you sure that you have typed the correct hostname?
  • Are you sure that the database server is running?

If you're unsure what these terms mean you should probably contact your host. If you still need help you can alway$

[ Wed Oct 15 05:19:49 EDT 2014 ] ^[[31mUnable to create WordPress tables for, exit status = 1^[(B^[[m

on the db server the permissions are: grant all privileges on . to ‘root’@‘nginx-server-ip’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘REMOTE_MySQL_PASSWORD’ with grant option; flush privileges;

What’s wrong in my setup?


Hi Please confirm that you have .my.cnf file at your EasyEngine installed server. If not use this link for remote mysql setup with EasyEngine. Read here

Hi there, so let me explain.

first server that I have installed everything beside mysql server has the private ip The second server where I installed mysql server has the private ip:

Where I installed the stack without mysql I have edited .my.cnf from root: root@devly:~# cat .my.cnf [client] host= user=root password=*********** root@devly:~#

the EE conf on the stack is:

EasyEngine (ee) configuration file

[stack] apt-get-assume-yes = true gpg-key-fix = true ip-address =

[mysql] grant-host = db-name = false db-user = false

[wordpress] prefix = false user = password = email =

Now on the DB server

my.cnf: root@db:~# cat .my.cnf [client] user=root password=******** root@db:~#

EE config:

EasyEngine (ee) configuration file

[stack] apt-get-assume-yes = true gpg-key-fix = false ip-address =

[mysql] grant-host = db-name = false db-user = false

[wordpress] prefix = false user = password = email =

Now the mysql server config: bind-address =

What did I do wrong?

LATER EDIT: I did some check with mysql_client_test: root@devly:~# mysql_client_test

##################################### client_connect

Establishing a connection to ‘’ …OK Connected to MySQL server version: 5.6.21-69.0 (50621)

Creating a test database ‘client_test_db’ …/build/buildd/mysql-5.5-5.5.38/tests/mysql_client_fw.c:267: check failed: ‘row’ root@devly:~# mysql_client_test

##################################### client_connect

Establishing a connection to ‘’ …OK Connected to MySQL server version: 5.6.21-69.0 (50621)

Creating a test database ‘client_test_db’ …/build/buildd/mysql-5.5-5.5.38/tests/mysql_client_fw.c:267: check failed: ‘row’

LATER LATER EDIT: I think I know what’s the problem. So I tried to create a database from remote. Doesn’t let me. I went to the server, and I hit show grants; There It shows only root@localhost. I tried to add root@ip but gives me this error: mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON . TO ‘root’@‘’ -> IDENTIFIED BY ‘******’ -> WITH GRANT OPTION; ERROR 2006 (HY000): MySQL server has gone away No connection. Trying to reconnect… Connection id: 44 Current database: *** NONE ***

If I hit show grants; from remote gives me:

mysql> show grants; ERROR 2006 (HY000): MySQL server has gone away No connection. Trying to reconnect… Connection id: 48 Current database: *** NONE ***

±--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Grants for [email protected] | ±--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON . TO ‘root’@‘’ IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD ‘*72B5D04046349C70221964E018039F68BFA306E7’ WITH GRANT OPTION | ±--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)


can you confirm that above command executed successfully on your mysql server.??

Hello @alexblajan

It’s been a long time, and we haven’t heard from you. It looks like your issue is resolved.

I am closing this support topic for now. Feel free to create a new support topic if you have any queries further. :slight_smile: