
Hi there.

I’ve a website with 500mb of wordpress database (about 25000 posts and their attachments and comments) and any wordpress configuration I try is slow.

In the last times, I used an SSD VPS with 4Gb Ram, and a config with EE without Pagespeed.

Which kind of cache do you recommend for this site?


Try Redis cache and PHP 7 if your plugin and theme compatible. You can always disable and roll back to PHP 5.6


I agree with tyrro, Redis cache is currently the best caching system available. But you may have to use less plugins and to tweak the php settings to make WordPress loading faster.

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Also, what is slow? The published site? The single pages? Home page? The dashboard?

Anyways, I couldn’t have said better than Tyrro and Virtubox. :slight_smile:

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