I'm trying to integrate this fantastic plugin into my site, but I need some info about the future releases.
I have tested for days different ways to make the plugin work as a collaborative gallery (sitewide) when every member can upload images to any album and maybe create albums.
For the people that are in my same situation, now I have find two options:
- The members can upload from their profile to their own albums. All the media is listed thanks to the shortcode. But no shortcode for albums. there is no way to show organized media.
- The users have to upload from the group uploader (the media uploaded from profile is not listed on group!!). they can upload to any album on the group (it depends of the privacy). The media is listed in the group organized by type of media (videos, photos, audio) and there is the option to organize by album. Because in the group you have the tabs "Album", "photos", "audio", "video", "upload". Also you can see the media uploaded to the group via shortcode, but not organized!
And now my questions about the future:
I need to know if there is a possibility to have sitewide albums, not in groups, to let any user insert media from a "upload" page via shortcode or something. The admin can create some albums where the members upload media. Like in groups, with a page with a menu like "photos, audio, video, albums, upload"...
When you insert media in groups, its not possible to edit or insert title or description.
Will be possible to search images by title or description?
I need to think in how I will create the galleries for my site. I know that buddypress and plugins like buddydrive are focused on users profile, but this is not a good option to share content because is not organized... its too difficult to find somethig.
Anyways... this is the best plugin to create a gallery, is not perfect but the update rate is awesome!