Problems after updating: Media Page not displaying

My users media page isn’t displaying anything after updating. I’ve run the migration which all appears to have gone ok.

Example page for the error is

Additionally I was using some custom code to display the users 5 most recent images on their main profile page which is now broken. Code is below:

function show_last_n_images($n=5){ 
        $n = $n +1; } 
    $query = new BPMediaQuery(); 
    $args = $query->init('image',false,$n); 
    $q = new WP_Query($args); 
    if ($q && $q->have_posts()){ 
        echo '
    '; while ($q->have_posts()) : $q->the_post(); $mytemplate = new BPMediaTemplate(); $mytemplate->the_content(); endwhile; echo '
';} }

It errors out because it can’t find the BPMediaQuery() class which I assume has been changed in some way.

Any assistance to either issue would be greatly appreciated.

Could you try flushing the permalinks and check. Also check if it works on the default BuddyPress theme.

Regarding your custom code to display the users 5 most recent images on their main profile page, try the following.

function show_last_n_images($n = 5) {  
    if ($user_id = bp_displayed_user_id()) {  
        $model = new RTMediaModel();  
        $results = $model->get(array('media_type' => 'photo', 'media_author' => $user_id), 0, $n);  
        if ($results) {  
            echo '';  

I’ve tried flushing my permalinks but it had no effect.

EDIT: Seems you fixed the quoted code.

I now get the images which is great except they are all appearing as the larger 640x640px images rather than the 150x150px thumbnails I previously had displaying.

Try changing “rt_media_thumbnail” to “thumbnail” and see if that works for you.

Did you try switching themes and check if the media gallery works for you?

I tried swapping the theme back to Buddypress default but encountered the exact same issue that nothing loads on the media tab page

Thats strange we would have to check out your site to figure out what the issue must be. Could you mail me the access to your site at [email protected]

Just so that it benefits other users. This problem was solved after upgrading BuddyPress to the latest version from BuddyPress 1.6.5

This code does not work anymore. There is an update?