Problem updating to 2.0

Already commented the blog post, but I’ll make a comment here aswell.

root@cheetah:~# ee version  
easyengine version: 1.3.8  
root@cheetah:~# alias |grep eeup  
alias eeupdate=’wget -qO eeup && sudo bash eeup’  
root@cheetah:~# eeupdate  
root@cheetah:~# ee version  
easyengine version: 1.3.8  
root@cheetah:~# cat /var/log/easyengine/update.log  

Ok, I rebooted and ran the command again and this time it’s seams to work.

I aborted though, since I saw git commit /etc/postfix …

I’m running a mailserver, with a base config based on your guide on virtual mail.
There’s multiple domains running live right now and I need to ask if updating EE will affect my current running config?

I’ve added spamassassin etc and tweaked a bit here and there, so I need to be sure that nothing will be changed w/o me knowing exactly what is beeing changed.


While upgrading to new EE 2.0.0, we are not changing any postfix configuration, but for just precaution we are taking Git based backup of all configuration files before and after upgrade process

Ah ok, I see.
I got this problem now when I try to update again.

As I said before, I aborted (ctrl+c) as soon as I saw git commit /etc/postfix, during the first attempt. Now I can’t update again.

root@cheetah:~# eeupdate  
Latest version (2.0.0) already installed  
root@cheetah:~# ee version  
EasyEngine (ee) version: 2.0.0  

As you have aborted previos upgrade process, you need to do some hack to upgarde works.
Just open following file:
vim /usr/local/lib/easyengine/lib/
and change:
readonly EE_VERSION=‘2.0.0’
readonly EE_VERSION=‘1.3.8’

and now again

Oh, thanks for a really fast reply.
I did just so and updating works well.

Thanks !

Glad to know your issue solved.