Privacy-Lightbox sync issue viewing media and our findings

Our site for anyone reading -

So here is the issue we found and the solution we came up with -

Assume I am a user who is either logged in or browsing as a guest.
When I would click on an image or video anywhere on the site that ANOTHER USER HAD UPLOADED I would get this error message in place of the Lightbox -

Sorry !! There’s no media found for the request !!

On the flip-side if I was logged in and uploaded an image or video there has never been an issue with media uploads synching with Lightbox. Ironically as we were building the site I would upload an image or video then view it in the Lightbox not knowing that a user on the other end could not view my upload. It wasn’t until we recently started populating the site that we noticed this ‘Sorry !!’ error.

What we discovered that was this. We had ‘Enable privacy’ and ‘Allow users to set privacy for their content’ turned OFF in the rtMedia Privacy settings. The Default privacy was set to Public.

What we did was switch both ‘Enable privacy’ and ‘Allow users to set privacy for their content’ to ON and we set the Default privacy to Logged In Users.

Then, the little Privacy setting drop-down appeared next to the Attach Files button in the What’s New form.

We had our guys go their Settings tab in their Profiles and set the Default Privacy to Public.

Then we instructed our guys to select Public as their drop-down selection when posting using the What’s New form and Presto! All media uploads were now viewable publicly in the Lightbox.

Also, if we tried to set the Default Privacy in the rtMedia Privacy Settings tab to ‘Public’ as opposed to ‘Logged In Users’ - we then got the ‘Sorry !!’ error again.

So, to reiterate - in rtMedia Privacy settings - Enabling both privacy settings and switching the Default to Logged In Users - THEN having our guys set their Profile - Settings - Default Privacy to Public AND selecting Public when Attaching Files at the What’s New Form - that combination did the trick.

Not sure what this means as far as coding goes, if it means anything at all, but we’ll be implementing procedures so our users know the deal when we officially launch.

Also very important - I did make this change based on another rtMedia user’s recommendation -

The latest version of rtMedia seems to have the featured media always display the currently logged in users featured media rather than the profile that is being viewed. I fixed this issue by altering the function get() at line 62 of app/main/controllers/media/RTMediaFeatured.php. change… $this->user_id = get_current_user_id(); to… $this->user_id = bp_displayed_user_id();

So it seems the Lightbox synching with media gallery issues are Privacy related. I hope this helps everyone. Have an awesome life…

To the rtCamp crew: On another note I saw this guy on the forum -

Sorry you guys have to deal with disgruntled users. I can only say to people who have difficulty with plugins is this - most of these plugin authors or development houses barely make an ample monetary return on the time they invest in creating and supporting these wonderful tools that us wanna-be developers take for granted. So go easy on them. They’re trying to help us…

FYI - Kaltura is smoking for us now. Thanks for the help. They are expensive but what do you do? I might need to talk to you about a YouTube API interface - meaning we need a front end uploader/viewer supported by YouTube on the backend (versus Kaltura). Let me know if you can help.

Also, can I test the Pro Version before I buy it. I bought the Kaltura plugin and the install service from you guys. Would the Pro add much to our media experience? Please advise…

Update - there was a plugin conflict with the Group Hierarchy plugin. Deactivated and all seems to be working perfectly...

That was such weird behaviour, Thanks for update brett.

Which version of rtMedia you are using ? because in get method it is $this->user_id = bp_displayed_user_id();

Regarding Pro : you can you test it on Demo Site/a>.

FYI : Pro will not require any installation service. It will add many more feature in rtMedia itself.

For YouTube API interface, we can talk over email just drop me mail with more detail on [email protected], We will surely try if we could help.