"Please make sure port 80 and 443 are free" when they are

Was checking ee out, however it seems to be broken (again?)

I just installed all dependencies + itself, getting a Error: Cannot create/start proxy container. Please make sure port 80 and 443 are free.
And no, I don’t have nginx nor apache, … already installed & occupying port 80 nor 443 (lsof -i :80 & lsof -i :443 both come back empty)

What’s the output of

docker ps -a

Only unrelated exited containers, including eclipse che (which occupied 8080 while running)
no containers ever ran that occupied port 80 nor 443

In output of docker ps -a, can you see services_global-nginx-proxy_1 container?

If yes, what is it’s state? is it exited or restarting?

If no, can you run following command and share it’s output -

ee service enable nginx-proxy --debug

No, it can’t create it; seems to be related to iptables with the extra output I received now (note that, although iptables is obviously installed, I’m using firewalld to manage the firewall)

# ee service enable nginx-proxy --debug
bash: ee: command not found
[root@h1 jonas]# vi ~/.bash_profile
[root@h1 jonas]# source ~/.bash_profile
[root@h1 jonas]# ee service enable nginx-proxy --debug
Debug: ----------------------- (0.042s)
Debug: COMMAND: docker ps > /dev/null (0.043s)
Debug: RETURN CODE: 0 (0.085s)
Debug: ----------------------- (0.085s)
Debug: ----------------------- (0.085s)
Debug: COMMAND: command -v docker-compose > /dev/null (0.086s)
Debug: RETURN CODE: 0 (0.088s)
Debug: ----------------------- (0.088s)
Debug (bootstrap): Using default global config: /opt/easyengine/config/config.yml (0.09s)
Debug (bootstrap): No project config found (0.09s)
Debug (bootstrap): argv: /usr/local/bin/ee service enable nginx-proxy --debug (0.09s)
Debug (bootstrap): Running command: service enable (0.09s)
Debug: ----------------------- (0.094s)
Debug: COMMAND: docker network inspect ee-global-backend-network (0.094s)
Debug: STDOUT: []
Debug: STDERR: Error: No such network: ee-global-backend-network
Debug: RETURN CODE: 1 (0.129s)
Debug: ----------------------- (0.129s)
Debug: ----------------------- (0.13s)
Debug: COMMAND: docker network create ee-global-backend-network --label=org.label-schema.vendor="EasyEngine"  (0.13s)
Debug: STDERR: Error response from daemon: Failed to Setup IP tables: Unable to enable SKIP DNAT rule:  (iptables failed: iptables --wait -t nat -I DOCKER -i br-7d90057e6b9b -j RETURN: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
 (exit status 1))
Debug: RETURN CODE: 1 (0.17s)
Debug: ----------------------- (0.17s)
Error: Unable to create network ee-global-backend-network

Restarted docker (as per some other articles) which did made the iptables error go away; we’re not there yet however:

# ee service enable nginx-proxy --debug
Debug: ----------------------- (0.043s)
Debug: COMMAND: docker ps > /dev/null (0.044s)
Debug: RETURN CODE: 0 (0.088s)
Debug: ----------------------- (0.088s)
Debug: ----------------------- (0.088s)
Debug: COMMAND: command -v docker-compose > /dev/null (0.089s)
Debug: RETURN CODE: 0 (0.091s)
Debug: ----------------------- (0.091s)
Debug (bootstrap): Using default global config: /opt/easyengine/config/config.yml (0.093s)
Debug (bootstrap): No project config found (0.093s)
Debug (bootstrap): argv: /usr/local/bin/ee service enable nginx-proxy --debug (0.093s)
Debug (bootstrap): Running command: service enable (0.093s)
Debug: ----------------------- (0.097s)
Debug: COMMAND: docker network inspect ee-global-backend-network (0.098s)
Debug: STDOUT: []
Debug: STDERR: Error: No such network: ee-global-backend-network
Debug: RETURN CODE: 1 (0.133s)
Debug: ----------------------- (0.133s)
Debug: ----------------------- (0.133s)
Debug: COMMAND: docker network create ee-global-backend-network --label=org.label-schema.vendor="EasyEngine"  (0.134s)
Debug: STDOUT: c1ef940b8c76c5e45d19f117ae0c2c738a245d38a5189db6b177b512de490b4a
Debug: RETURN CODE: 0 (0.507s)
Debug: ----------------------- (0.507s)
Debug: ----------------------- (0.507s)
Debug: COMMAND: docker network inspect ee-global-frontend-network (0.507s)
Debug: STDOUT: []
Debug: STDERR: Error: No such network: ee-global-frontend-network
Debug: RETURN CODE: 1 (0.565s)
Debug: ----------------------- (0.565s)
Debug: ----------------------- (0.565s)
Debug: COMMAND: docker network create ee-global-frontend-network --label=org.label-schema.vendor="EasyEngine"  (0.565s)
Debug: STDOUT: 88707f58b02ffa78dd49d856c829fe2b0fddcd14d3ec164e0091efc89dbdd663
Debug: RETURN CODE: 0 (0.957s)
Debug: ----------------------- (0.957s)
Debug: ----------------------- (0.959s)
Debug: COMMAND: docker volume ls --filter="label=org.label-schema.vendor=EasyEngine" --filter="label=io.easyengine.site=global-nginx-proxy" -q (0.959s)
Debug: RETURN CODE: 0 (1.01s)
Debug: ----------------------- (1.01s)
Debug: ----------------------- (1.01s)
Debug: COMMAND: docker info 2> /dev/null | awk '/Docker Root Dir/ {print $4}' (1.01s)
Debug: STDOUT: /var/lib/docker
Debug: RETURN CODE: 0 (1.072s)
Debug: ----------------------- (1.072s)
Debug: ----------------------- (1.072s)
Debug: COMMAND: docker volume create \
                                        --label "org.label-schema.vendor=EasyEngine" \
                                        --label "io.easyengine.site=global-nginx-proxy" \
                                        global-nginx-proxy_certs (1.072s)
Debug: STDOUT: global-nginx-proxy_certs
Debug: RETURN CODE: 0 (1.184s)
Debug: ----------------------- (1.184s)
Debug: ----------------------- (1.184s)
Debug: COMMAND: docker volume create \
                                        --label "org.label-schema.vendor=EasyEngine" \
                                        --label "io.easyengine.site=global-nginx-proxy" \
                                        global-nginx-proxy_dhparam (1.184s)
Debug: STDOUT: global-nginx-proxy_dhparam
Debug: RETURN CODE: 0 (1.275s)
Debug: ----------------------- (1.276s)
Debug: ----------------------- (1.276s)
Debug: COMMAND: docker volume create \
                                        --label "org.label-schema.vendor=EasyEngine" \
                                        --label "io.easyengine.site=global-nginx-proxy" \
                                        global-nginx-proxy_confd (1.276s)
Debug: STDOUT: global-nginx-proxy_confd
Debug: RETURN CODE: 0 (1.367s)
Debug: ----------------------- (1.367s)
Debug: ----------------------- (1.368s)
Debug: COMMAND: docker volume create \
                                        --label "org.label-schema.vendor=EasyEngine" \
                                        --label "io.easyengine.site=global-nginx-proxy" \
                                        global-nginx-proxy_htpasswd (1.368s)
Debug: STDOUT: global-nginx-proxy_htpasswd
Debug: RETURN CODE: 0 (1.458s)
Debug: ----------------------- (1.458s)
Debug: ----------------------- (1.458s)
Debug: COMMAND: docker volume create \
                                        --label "org.label-schema.vendor=EasyEngine" \
                                        --label "io.easyengine.site=global-nginx-proxy" \
                                        global-nginx-proxy_vhostd (1.459s)
Debug: STDOUT: global-nginx-proxy_vhostd
Debug: RETURN CODE: 0 (1.542s)
Debug: ----------------------- (1.542s)
Debug: ----------------------- (1.542s)
Debug: COMMAND: docker volume create \
                                        --label "org.label-schema.vendor=EasyEngine" \
                                        --label "io.easyengine.site=global-nginx-proxy" \
                                        global-nginx-proxy_html (1.542s)
Debug: STDOUT: global-nginx-proxy_html
Debug: RETURN CODE: 0 (1.717s)
Debug: ----------------------- (1.717s)
Debug: ----------------------- (1.717s)
Debug: COMMAND: docker volume create \
                                        --label "org.label-schema.vendor=EasyEngine" \
                                        --label "io.easyengine.site=global-nginx-proxy" \
                                        global-nginx-proxy_nginx_proxy_logs (1.717s)
Debug: STDOUT: global-nginx-proxy_nginx_proxy_logs
Debug: RETURN CODE: 0 (1.892s)
Debug: ----------------------- (1.892s)
Debug: ----------------------- (1.892s)
Debug: COMMAND: docker volume ls --filter="label=org.label-schema.vendor=EasyEngine" --filter="label=io.easyengine.site=global-db" -q (1.892s)
Debug: RETURN CODE: 0 (1.948s)
Debug: ----------------------- (1.949s)
Debug: ----------------------- (1.949s)
Debug: COMMAND: docker info 2> /dev/null | awk '/Docker Root Dir/ {print $4}' (1.949s)
Debug: STDOUT: /var/lib/docker
Debug: RETURN CODE: 0 (2.017s)
Debug: ----------------------- (2.017s)
Debug: ----------------------- (2.017s)
Debug: COMMAND: docker volume create \
                                        --label "org.label-schema.vendor=EasyEngine" \
                                        --label "io.easyengine.site=global-db" \
                                        global-db_db_data (2.018s)
Debug: STDOUT: global-db_db_data
Debug: RETURN CODE: 0 (2.108s)
Debug: ----------------------- (2.108s)
Debug: ----------------------- (2.108s)
Debug: COMMAND: docker volume create \
                                        --label "org.label-schema.vendor=EasyEngine" \
                                        --label "io.easyengine.site=global-db" \
                                        global-db_db_conf (2.108s)
Debug: STDOUT: global-db_db_conf
Debug: RETURN CODE: 0 (2.211s)
Debug: ----------------------- (2.212s)
Debug: ----------------------- (2.212s)
Debug: COMMAND: docker volume create \
                                        --label "org.label-schema.vendor=EasyEngine" \
                                        --label "io.easyengine.site=global-db" \
                                        global-db_db_logs (2.212s)
Debug: STDOUT: global-db_db_logs
Debug: RETURN CODE: 0 (2.313s)
Debug: ----------------------- (2.313s)
Debug: ----------------------- (2.313s)
Debug: COMMAND: docker volume ls --filter="label=org.label-schema.vendor=EasyEngine" --filter="label=io.easyengine.site=global-redis" -q (2.313s)
Debug: RETURN CODE: 0 (2.368s)
Debug: ----------------------- (2.368s)
Debug: ----------------------- (2.368s)
Debug: COMMAND: docker info 2> /dev/null | awk '/Docker Root Dir/ {print $4}' (2.368s)
Debug: STDOUT: /var/lib/docker
Debug: RETURN CODE: 0 (2.433s)
Debug: ----------------------- (2.433s)
Debug: ----------------------- (2.433s)
Debug: COMMAND: docker volume create \
                                        --label "org.label-schema.vendor=EasyEngine" \
                                        --label "io.easyengine.site=global-redis" \
                                        global-redis_redis_data (2.433s)
Debug: STDOUT: global-redis_redis_data
Debug: RETURN CODE: 0 (2.508s)
Debug: ----------------------- (2.508s)
Debug: ----------------------- (2.508s)
Debug: COMMAND: docker volume create \
                                        --label "org.label-schema.vendor=EasyEngine" \
                                        --label "io.easyengine.site=global-redis" \
                                        global-redis_redis_conf (2.508s)
Debug: STDOUT: global-redis_redis_conf
Debug: RETURN CODE: 0 (2.608s)
Debug: ----------------------- (2.608s)
Debug: ----------------------- (2.608s)
Debug: COMMAND: docker volume create \
                                        --label "org.label-schema.vendor=EasyEngine" \
                                        --label "io.easyengine.site=global-redis" \
                                        global-redis_redis_logs (2.608s)
Debug: STDOUT: global-redis_redis_logs
Debug: RETURN CODE: 0 (2.699s)
Debug: ----------------------- (2.699s)
PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function posix_geteuid() in phar:///usr/local/bin/ee/vendor/easyengine/service-command/src/helper/service-utils.php:252
Stack trace:
#0 phar:///usr/local/bin/ee/vendor/easyengine/service-command/src/helper/service-utils.php(74): EE\Service\Utils\generate_global_docker_compose_yml(Object(Symfony\Component\Filesystem\Filesystem))
#1 phar:///usr/local/bin/ee/vendor/easyengine/service-command/src/Service_Command.php(66): EE\Service\Utils\init_global_container('global-nginx-pr...')
#2 [internal function]: Service_Command->enable(Array, Array)
#3 phar:///usr/local/bin/ee/php/EE/Dispatcher/CommandFactory.php(96): call_user_func(Array, Array, Array)
#4 [internal function]: EE\Dispatcher\CommandFactory::EE\Dispatcher\{closure}(Array, Array)
#5 phar:///usr/local/bin/ee/php/EE/Dispatcher/Subcommand.php(272): call_user_func(Object(Closure), Array, Array)
#6 phar:///usr/local/bin/ee/php/EE/Runner.php(331): EE\Dispatcher\Subcommand->invoke(Array, Array, Array)
#7 phar:///usr/local/bin/ee/p in phar:///usr/local/bin/ee/vendor/easyengine/service-command/src/helper/service-utils.php on line 252

As it might be related, installed php modules:

# php -m
[PHP Modules]

Any ideas?