PHP Exif module

Would someone be able to help with install the php_exif module? I looked at some of the documentation but I can’t figure out how to do it with docker. Thanks for the help.

In Ubuntu you’d usually install PHP modules with APT. However Exif is part of php7.2-common which is installed with EasyEngine 4.0 by default. However it is probably not enabled in your site’s php.ini

For reference you can install a PHP module like this:

apt-get install php7.2-common

So you’d have to enable it in your site’s php.ini file too
You can do this for an EasyEngine 4 setup on Ubuntu by editing php.ini in the following location for your site:

nano php.ini

look for this line (ctrl+w allows you to search a string)


and remove the “;” at the start of the line (which comments out the line disabling it).

After this you should reload your site to restart php:

ee site reload

Now you can try again. Unless there’s another issue your site should work quite nicely.

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Found aninteresting thread on this on the forum on this

@Mrrobot47 suggested:

ee shell --command=‘docker-php-ext-install pdo_mysql’ --user=root

You can adapt this to install exif:

ee shell --command=‘docker-php-ext-install exif’ --user=root

I’ve tested this and it does work.

big heads up:

@Kirtan comments:

Incase you apply the temporary fix mentioned by @mrrobot47 , just remember it will get undone when you enable/disable the site or admin tools on the site. In that case, you’ll have to run the command again.