Photo size in moderation page

Is there ay way to style the moderation page to have smaller preview of the pending approval images? Thanks

#rtmedia-moderation-form .media ,column-media img {
height: 10em;
max-height: 100%;
width: auto;

Hi Rico,

Yes, you can handle the image size through css.

Here is the code.

#rtmedia-moderation-form img{  
     height: 10em;  
     max-height: 100%;  
     width: auto;  

Where can I put it, can you give me the path please? Because I don’t think it could be put in template css. Thanks

Hi Rico,
you need to put it in the css file which is being used in WordPress backend or you can render this css with in page styling using this hook ->

If you are using this admin_head hook than you need to add this code in your theme’s functions.php file.

Thanks a lot

It works perfectly, thanks a lot gain, great assistance

Hi Rico,

I am glad to hear that your issue is fixed.