Persian translation

Hi I’m the persian translator for rtmedia. How can I update my tranlation ? I translate via glotpress but it’s not updated in new versions .


Hi @Mehdi_amani,

You can contribute to rtMedia translations which will available in next update of rtMedia. Check this documentation -> for more information on how to contribute to rtMedia translation.

thanks but I’m the persian reviewer of rtmedia . But my problem is that the new translations are not used in the new version of rtmedia

Hi @Mehdi_amani,

We have tested in our end and its working fine, please check your configuration again for Persian language.

Yes there is translation but it’s not updated ! my new .mo file is about 39kb but in the plugin it’s about 20 kb ! I upload my translation file but I don’t know why it is not been used in new versions .

Hi @Mehdi_amani,

When you update plugin, WordPress downloads plugin files again and hence all your custom changes get vanished. Please upload your .mo language file again after every update of plugin.