Permalinks with ultimate member


I’m using the plugin ultimate member ( and for some reason when I click on an image uploaded with rtmedia, it sends me to the author’s page.

For example, if the image link is /author/me/media/20/ after clicking on it or trying to edit it opens a lightbox with the author’s page: /user/me

Could there be a conflict with this plugin?

Thanks, Laurent.

hI, i still use ultimate member too and try to implemt the rtmedia

you found a solution ? if yes - please help me

No, I haven’t and it’s an issue.

add_filter( 'author_link', 'rtmedia_for_um', 10, 3);
function rtmedia_for_um($link, $author_id, $author_nicename) {

	if ( class_exists('UM_API') ) 
		$link = str_replace('author', 'user', $link); 
		// get_author_posts_url: to

    return $link;

This can fix this issues :slight_smile: