PDF viewer alternatives

I would like to purchase the RT media plugin what gives the ability for the users to upload pdf documents from their profile. But I would also like a little bit nicer pdf viewer (when the user opens the uploaded pdf file). Is there any way to solve this? Thanks:)

Hello @Geza_Molnar,

We have rtMedia Docs and Other files addon to allow users to upload and view different file types.

You can try demo site to see how it works. We are using google docs viewer to display documents and pdfs.

I hope it will help you. Thanks.

Hey:) Thanks for the help! Do you think there`s a way to change the google docs viewer to a bit nicer one?

Hello @Geza_Molnar,

We don’t have any filter to change the viewer as of now, but we will add one for the same in future release.

Thanks for pointing out this to us.

Hello @Geza_Molnar,

We have added a filter which can help you to change the default document viewer.

Filter name - rtm_docs_viewer_html Here is the document which can guide you with example - https://rtmedia.io/docs/addons/docs-and-other-files/filters/#rtm_docs_viewer_html

Thank you.