Oops! No media found

Brand new wordpress 4.01, BuddyPress and RTmedia installation, 2012 theme.

Using gallery shortcode: [rtmedia_gallery global=“true” context=“page” media_type=“all”] with separate uploader on the same page

see http://saintnicksdemo.com/wp3/media-gallery/

Get Oops !! There’s no media found for the request !!

unless I upload, then the images appear.

What am I doing wrong?

Hello @Nickel_Cadmium,

With global=“true”, it will only show public media.

You can check document for more details here -> http://docs.rtcamp.com/rtmedia/features/shortcodes/gallery-shortcode/

Thank you.

Hi there @pranalipatelI

I basically want to show all media that has been published by buddypress users on that page.

Is there a way that I can do this?


Hello @Nickel_Cadmium,

You can use global gallery shortcode as below :

[rtmedia_gallery global="true"] 

Also, you need to check privacy of media, as it will only show media with public privacy.

Thank you.