Not Able to Renew or Update LetsEncrypt on my wordpress site (NEED HELP)

Letsencrypt SSL is expired on my blog for the last two days. I have been trying to renew or delete the certificate but I am not able to do it.

When I try to Renew the certificate with this command "ee site update example(.)com --letsencrypt=renew"

It Says "Error: Could not find the site you wish to run site update command on.
Either pass it as an argument: ee site update <site-name>
or run ee site update from inside the site folder."

When I enter the site URL with www then it says “Site already contains SSL”.

When I try to remove letsencrypt with this command ee site update --letsencrypt=off

I get this Error: Could not find the site you wish to run site update command on.
Either pass it as an argument: ee site update <site-name>
or run ee site update from inside the site folder.

Any Solution? Please Help. URGENT!

You kind of conflict yourself in one query. I only assume you’re using V3 because you haven’t tagged it. Start simply with finding out what website you actually have because you seem not to be able to stick to one name.

ee site list

Will give you the list of your sites.
Then you want to update your site on the result of this list. Remember EE in command line has the name of the site listed which is not always equal an exact domain name (see www/non www - www is actually a subdomain).
So when you use in your command and EE tells you that the site doesn’t exist and then you use and it tells you that you have SSL enabled it gives you a huge hint that you should be using in your command because when you created the site you used and that’s now a site’s name for EE.

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