Not able to Install SSL

This thing is showing

Downloading LetsEncrypt [Done] Please Wait while we fetch SSL Certificate for your site. It may take time depending upon network. Unable to setup, Let’s Encrypt Please make sure that your site is pointed to same server on which you are running Let’s Encrypt Client to allow it to verify the site automatically.

I have use DO dns in namecheap for domain to direct to ip.

make sure your your domains www and non-www points to same server.

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I have sued DNS server option in namecheap for redirecting domains to server rather than IP. So should I change that?

You need to set A record for domain (your IP). Also, you need to set CNAME www that leads to your domain.

Only when your and your points to your real IP (the IP where you’re installing your SSL) you can install the SSL properly. After that, you can hide your IP (like Cloudflare).

this is the most common problem, for this search is your friend. for my issue (is not so easy) I’m hoping karma gets back to me …

here’s my dns settings for EE

|CNAME|. www.****.com |is an alias of ****.com. 43200

|A| ***.com directs to 3600

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